Car and Love
Which one will you choice, car from your parents for gift, but your parents will tell you to broke with your love, or still you will take your love as your partner as long as your life? Car and love will you take both, if your parents allow it, right?But, how? Because your parents do not like your love? Or they will not give you a car?
Terry Corbell, a management consultant, has some advice for you who respond to a car and love to send him questions about it. Make a list of your weaknesses, he told those who asked how to get started. Because so many e-mail messages poured in, Mr. Corbell, the author of a column called The Car and Love that appears on the Web sites of an all-news radio and television station in America, chose to address in this column the ones that reflected three major entrepreneurial dilemmas: how to take the leap into the car, how to market your love and, for retail ventures, how to find the best location.
The most common query he got was how to get started. Tristan Holyoke, for example, wrote, “I am a young educated ‘wanna-be’ entrepreneur with more ideas than minutes, but no idea how to move car and love.” And H. Eddie Nabiel asked, “What advice do you have for a new, ambitious, driven, hungry, outside-the-box thinking financial adviser during these tough times?”
The answer, basically, is the ancient Greek injunction to know thyself. “Budget a couple of hours for quiet time to reflect on your career,” Mr. Corbell said.
Then, he said, compose a list of all your shortcomings on one or two sheets of paper. “Fear takes the No. 1 sport car on most people’s list,” he said. Other common deficiencies include lack of self-confidence, trouble managing love, a desire to please everybody and disagreeable bluntness in conversation to parents.
As part of that exercise, he said, write a personality strength opposite each of your weaknesses. For example, if you have written “tendency to procrastinate,” you may append, “dogged in fulfilling tasks.”After all this soul-searching, Mr. Corbell says, start dreaming. “Think about your hobbies for car and love,” He said. “What do you really enjoy doing? What would you like to be paid to do?”
Now comes the serious part, and that is research. “Read about successful entrepreneurs,” he said. “Contact your local education for car and love for free counseling. Seek out mentors and sounding boards. They can be found everywhere, including Rotary clubs.”
Next, develop a one-page “vision plan” that describes your goals and how you will achieve them, and also defines your parents.
I hope you will get deal and success with your parents, and will get both car and love!